
In a world of business solutions, e-magination offers something unique

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calculator-178127_960_720We are living in a world of solutions, where entrepreneurs and startups are looking to solve any problem in the hope of hitting a niche and making a stronghold for their business. However, many of them do not actually solve some of the everyday problems or streamline the processes affecting the productivity of most businesses out there. It is also becoming increasingly difficult for Chief Financial Officers and Financial Managers to choose the right technology and solutions in all this noise.

So while it may be true that e-magination Infosolutions is not the only technology company in South Africa that is using Microsoft Power Query and PowerPivot to build solutions, it does offer something completely unique. Our solutions are designed and developed to crunch over 3-days worth of month end finance processes into a click of a button, freeing up valuable time and mitigating risk.


Born out of Microsoft technology and built to last


Our very early solutions were not based on the modern Microsoft technologies, but rather hard coded by us using macros/visual basic in Excel workbooks, until we tried Power Query and PowerPivot. After completing two projects using Microsoft’s modern tools we had changed the future infrastructure of e-magination’s solutions forever. Thereafter we made it our goal to be the foremost PowerPivot professionals in Africa.

It became quite clear that the market needed a solution for streamlining month end reporting, which was still being manually collated by CFO’s and Financial Managers. It was not only a case of simply saving time by automating the mundane, repeatable processes every month. It addressed the issue of human error by taking the ‘human’ out of the picture. CFOs could now trust their data again.


The value of an Excel based solution


From a user-friendly perspective our solutions are based in Excel, software that the user knows well and uses everyday, making it less intimidating. Being accessible in Excel means that users can confidently make changes themselves and fix data without the fear of breaking the solution or having to wait for their IT department to schedule the change.

Each solution is customised to the client, ensuring that we solve their unique problems. We don’t try to change how their processes work, we simply aim to enhance and automate those redundant processes that waste valuable time and which open their data to the risk of human error.

Microsoft Excel allows us to create base solutions that can handle any accounting data set as well as custom views for our customers’ businesses. It also gives us the flexibility to change the solution as the business needs change over time, something that would otherwise be very costly to do with “off the shelf” software.

If this sounds like something you need for your business to save countless hours and optimise your processes at month-end, then let’s connect!

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